Ahh, Bells Beach. We liked it so much, we went twice!
But we only surfed it once. (And by "we," I mean Mike.)
Because we checked ahead and saw that there would be waves in Bells while we were in Melbourne, Mike, mom and I took a day trip to the beach.
Only two hours by car, Bells Beach is yet another stop on the WSL Pro Tour and one of the most famous surf breaks in the world.
When we got there, the waves were twice as big as we expected - easily overhead - and there were a metric buttload of surfers in the water.
While Mike surfed, I practiced my surf photography skillz.
A short while later, we went searching for fish tacos for lunch. And oh boy, did we find some. The fish tacos at Fisho’s in Torquay (the small town closest to Bells) are outstanding. If you're ever within a two mile radius, do yourself a favor and go try them.
Once we'd stuffed ourselves with tacos and charred corn, we shopped a bit (thanks, mom!) in a few of the surf stores like Rip Curl and Billabong.
Later in the same week, once we'd bid my mom farewell and left Melbourne in the rearview mirror, we stopped in Bells again. This time, the waves were much smaller, so Mike stayed out of the water, but we couldn't resist getting more of those magical fish tacos. (Even better the second time, I swear.)